Federated deep learning for UAV Mobile Edge Computing environments

Programming skills are mandatory (at least Python)
Experience with communication protocols or Robotic Operation Systems (ROS) is preferable.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are increasingly used by public and private organizations such as the Politie, Brandweer or Rijkswaterstaat. The data these organizations collect can be used to achieve common goals such as vehicle detection, license plate or obstacle recognition. However, sometimes the data that they collect is private and cannot be shared, limiting the learning ability of the shared deep learning model. Federated deep learning is a technique where multiple mobile edge devices (such as edge-enabled UAVs) train a commonly shared deep learning model using their local data. Afterwards, they submit the model parameters to a shared location where the model finally is harmonized. This way, organizations do not have to share their private data thus ensuring privacy while still being able to learn from others' knowledge. In addition, compared to traditional centralized deep learning frameworks, less data needs to be transferred from the UAV to a remote station, which is valuable in unreliable connectivity situations. Current federated learning frameworks have yet to improve on communication overhead, hardware utilization and robust federated learning [1, 2].
The aim of this MSc topic is to design a federated learning framework for a swarm of (or at least two) UAVs to achieve vehicle speed detection from UAV videos.
The student must revise existing literature on federated learning and UAVs as mobile IoT entities. The student must motivate and design a decentralized or centralized federated learning architecture where specific attention is placed on the chosen communication protocol, learning capabilities of the federated network and the physical power consumption of drones. Finally, the student must design a numerical simulation, which is used to map the full range of capabilities and limitations of the designed system.
If time permits, the student can implement the system on physical edge devices from the GeoScienceLab (GSL). From the perspective of Open Science and reproducible science, we ask that the student places their code on our public GitHub. Furthermore, we encourage the student to explain their work through a short video that can be used for dissemination purposes.
[1] Qu, Y., Dai, H., Zhuang, Y., Chen, J., Dong, C., Wu, F., & Guo, S. (2021). Decentralized federated learning for uav networks: Architecture, challenges, and opportunities. IEEE Network, 35(6), 156-162.
[2] Hosseinzadeh, M., et al. (2022). "Federated learning‐based IoT: A systematic literature review." International Journal of Communication Systems 35(11).