Interactive planning and decision support to engage stakeholders in addressing societal challenges

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Interactive Planning Support Systems (IPSS) implemented on a maptable are a promising way to involve professional stakeholders as well as citizens in participatory planning processes. A basic framework for the development of such IPSS exists with the COLLAGE (Collaborative Location Allocation Gaming Environment (COLLAGE) model that has already been successfully implemented in the field of energy transition in the Netherlands. Topic of the research can be either
- to refine and further develop the COLLAGE_RE tool (energy transition), e.g. by adding new functions and features (3D Visualization, cost and benefits module, environmental impacts), and testing the tool in other contexts, or
- to extend the COLLAGE concept to other fields such as climate change adaptation, ecosystem services/nature based solutions, local participatory development planning in Indonesia (Musrenbang), Risk and development related resettlement planning in East-Africa, etc.
The research challenge is to develop tools that enable an active, equitable and inclusive stakeholder participation that constitutes an added value to the planning process
Elements of the methodology could be:
- Literature review, to develop a conceptual model of the topic investigated,
- Development of a GIS-based collaborative mapping tool implemented on a maptable (ArcGIS, CommunityViz, QGIS, etc.),
- stakeholder workshops for testing the tool,
- Assessment of added values and usability of the tools using questionnaires, interviews, observation, video recording, etc.
Flacke, J., & Boer, C. (2017). An Interactive Planning Support Tool for Addressing Social Acceptance of Renewable Energy Projects in The Netherlands. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6, 1–19.
Flacke, J., Shrestha, R., & Aguilar, R. (2020). Strengthening Participation Using Interactive Planning Support Systems: A Systematic Review. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(1), 49.
Spaliviero, M., L. Boerboom, M. Gibert, G. Spaliviero & M. Bajaj (2019) The Spatial Development Framework to facilitate urban management in countries with weak planning systems. International Planning Studies, 24, 235-254.
Mutuku, B., L. Boerboom & A. M. Madureira (2019) The role of Planning Support Systems in national policy transfer and policy translation in secondary cities. International Planning Studies, 24, 293-307.