Mapping African vegetation fire dynamics in a changing climate

This requires scientific programming skills, e.g., in python.
Fires are a common phenomenon during the dry season in southern Africa, as lightning strikes ignite dry vegetation, farmers burn crop residue, and hunters light light fires to flush out game. The effects of fires are numerous: they destroy ecosystems, farmlands and sometimes even property when they get out of hand. On the other hand, fires are used to manage ecosystems, destroying old vegetation and allowing fresh greens to take their place. Smoke from fires similarly has various effects: it may fertilize surrounding areas and water bodies, or cause air quality (and related health) issues in nearby villages and towns. Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from burning biomass contribute significantly to the increasing atmospheric level of the greenhouse gas.
Fires occur when there is sufficient dry fuel available, therefore fire patterns in southern Africa follow a clear seasonal cycle, with a maximum in the dry season. Moreover, if the preceding wet season featured a particularly high amount of precipitation, coupled with high growth rates of vegetation, the fire season is often more severe than in drier years. With the current change in climate and precipitation patterns, the fire season in southern African countries is expected to change.
The objective of the study is the detecting changes in seasonality of the wildfire season in Zimbabwe (or another southern African country) using satellite data of fire counts and burnt area. These can be related to changes in vegetation (NDVI) and precipitation to understand drivers. Alternatively, patterns of aerosol load (AOD) can be studied to estimate the effect on air quality.
Maponga, R., Ahmed, F., & Mushore, T. D. (2018). Remote sensing-based assessment of veld fire trends in multiple interwoven land tenure systems in Zimbabwe. Geocarto International, 33(6), 612–626.
van der Velde, I. R., van der Werf, G. R., van Wees, D., Schutgens, N. a. J., Vernooij, R., Houweling, S., Tonucci, E., Chuvieco, E., Randerson, J. T., Frey, M. M., Borsdorff, T., & Aben, I. (2024). Small Fires, Big Impact: Evaluating Fire Emission Estimates in Southern Africa Using New Satellite Imagery of Burned Area and Carbon Monoxide. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12), e2023GL106122.