Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) as Policy and Spatial Planning Measures to Mitigate the Impacts of Climate Change with a Special Focus on Blue and Green Infrastructure

Case study area will be selected together with students and could include cities in which staff and PhD research is ongoing or envisaged.
“Nature-based solutions” (NBS) or “building with nature” have received global attention as a multidimensional approach to reduce impacts of climate change and associated meteorological disaster risks such as heat waves, droughts, floods as well as provide solutions to global challenges, such as poverty and social justice. The European Commission (EC) recognizes that NBS can support innovation and address social, economic and environmental challenges. NBS can be the use of green areas in cities to tackle the adverse impacts of heatwaves in addition to improving air quality, promoting urban farming, or providing areas for water detention. In this research, together with students, we would like to analyse the relation between NBS and mitigation of climate change impacts in urban areas and to investigate the potential ways to integrate multiple dimensions (social, economic and environmental) and mitigate climate change impacts.
• To analyse how NBS, as policy and spatial planning measures, help to mitigate climate change impacts in urban areas with a special attention on blue and green infrastructure.
• To analyse how NBS, as policy and spatial planning measures, help to integrate multiple dimensions (social, economic and environmental) and mitigate climate change impacts.
Suggested methodology: quantitative and qualitative mixed research methods, vulnerability and risk analysis, policy analysis, stakeholder analysis.
Previous thesis on the topic:
Ghani, A.Z. (2023) ‘Environmental Justice: Assessing the scope of Small Scale Nature-based Solutions with the Capability Approach’. The thesis won the DAIDA Award 3rd place.
Kamwele, N.M., (2023) ‘Integrating Nature-Based Solutions to Mitigate the IntraUrban Heat Island using 3D Modelling. A Case Study for Zwolle, The Netherlands’.
Bos, D.M. (2023) ‘Design principles and policies on ecotourism as a way to preserve mangrove forest and the local culture of Panju Island, India’.
Kotecha, M. (2022) Interlinking lakes: Decision support tool for sustainable lake ecosystem, Ahmedabad, India.
Asare, P. (2021) Nature-based solutions (NBS) as an urban flood mitigation measure: the case of Ga East Municipality, Accra, Ghana.
Shrestha, S. (2021) Nature-based Solution (NbS) for local adaptation of neighborhood to urban flooding: A case study of Enschede, Netherlands.
Somadas, A.T. (2020) ‘Rethinking ecosystem services in the urban fringe, opportunities in human well-being - The case of Panju Island, Mumbai.’
Further reading:
European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials (2015). Towards an EU Research and Innovation Policy Agenda for Nature-Based Solutions and Re-Naturing Cities. Brussels: European Commission.
Nature-based solutions - Technical handbook, UNALAB, 2019
Asare, P., F. Atun, K. Pfeffer, 2023.Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) in spatial planning for urban flood mitigation: The perspective of flood management experts in Accra. Land Use Policy 133.
Asare, P., F. Atun, K. Pfeffer, 2023. Spatial Multi-Criteria Analysis for Discovering Nature-Based Solutions Location for Urban Flood Mitigation in Accra. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 1-33
Atun, F., K. Pfeffer, R. Sliuzas, D. Reckien, (2019). Nature-Based Solutions as Policy and Planning Measures to Mitigate Climate Change Impacts. Conference: Production of Climate Responsive Urban Environments, Istanbul Policy Centre, Istanbul, Turkey (Conference Presentation).