Passive inspection of human health

Suggested elective courses: Advanced image analysis, Geohealth, Ethics
So far, more than 6.5 million people have died from COVID-19, and still, there are around 1000 deaths per day. Besides, the pandemic has had massive socioeconomic effects on individuals, families, businesses, and governments. Although the mortality rate has been reducing, and life is normalizing, we need to stay alert, as similar, or even worse pandemics may again occur in the future.
COVID-19 has taught us the necessity of to inspect and control the health of large populations quickly. While COVID-19 cases are on the decrease, the emergence of new pandemics is only a matter of time. Thermal cameras have contributed much during the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of passive inspection, quickly scanning large crowds, without direct interferences. While thermal cameras can reflect the body temperature, higher spectral resolution imaging sensors are assumed to contribute more efficiently. This research investigates the possible contribution of hyperspectral imaging systems for contactless and large-scale health inspection of people in human gateways.