DESIS hyperspectral satellite data for mapping foliar pigments in a temperate forest

Quantitative remote sensing of vegetation parameters (Q5)
- A suitable candidate would be interested in remote sensing and quantification of biophysical variables
- Fieldwork is not necessary; however, a possible field visit can be discussed with the supervisors if the student is interested.
The goal of this study, as part of the larger BIOSPACE project, is to map and model foliar pigments, including chlorophyll and carotenoids and their spatial variations in a temperate forest in Germany using DESIS hyperspectral satellite data. The student will benefit from the existing satellite images and field samples collected during the earlier campaigns in Bavarian Forest National Park, Germany, during summer 2020. He/she will become familiar with (i) measurements of leaf chlorophyll and carotenoids using collected leaf samples and the latest technology for lab chemistry and (ii) pre-processing of the hyperspectral satellite data. The study will then evaluate whether the chlorophyll and carotenoids in forest leaves and canopies can be estimated using statistical models and narrow-band vegetation indices calculated from hyperspectral satellite data. Once the models are established, the estimated chlorophyll and carotenoids at leaf and canopy levels can be validated using collected field data, and the chlorophyll and carotenoid maps of the study area will then be generated.
Leaf biochemical parameters contribute to the monitoring and verification of vegetation's physiological status and health. Among these parameters, leaf chlorophyll and carotenoids have been found useful for detecting vegetation stress photosynthetic capacity and productivity and recognized as key indicators for assessing health in plant canopies. Traditionally, lab-based spectrophotometric approaches have been used to quantify these parameters. Despite being time-consuming and labour intensive, such approaches do not permit the measurement of changes over time or space. Most previous studies for mapping plant health have used the field or airborne hyperspectral measurements and have been shown to be accurate. The new generation of hyperspectral satellites (e.g. PRISMA and DESIS) has opened a new ear for monitoring foliar pigments such as leaf chlorophyll and carotenoids in vegetation canopies at a low cost and with high accuracy. However, the retrieval of foliar pigments such as leaf chlorophyll and carotenoids from hyperspectral satellite data have not yet been investigated. This study is the first attempt on using hyperspectral satellite images for mapping forest chlorophyll and carotenoid contents at leaf and canopy levels.
No need for adaptation. The MSc topic addresses forest health and environmental degradation issues using data from the new generation of hyperspectral satellites.